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True Motivational Stories

True Stories Read the Greedy Disciple's End in Detail!
True Stories
The Temptation of a Loaf

Read the Greedy Disciple's End in Detail!

 “He passed by a herd of deer and pointed to a deer. The deer came to him. He slaughtered the deer, ate his meat and fed his disciple. Then you stumbled upon the deer's skin and said, "Come alive by Allah's command."
Jesus went out on a journey with one of his disciples, took a place on the road, and asked the disciple if he had anything in his pocket. He said I have two dirham. Prophet Jesus (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) took a dirham from his pocket and gave it to him and said, “Here is a population nearby, go there and bring three breads”.
He went and took three loaves; on the way he thought that Jesus had given one dirham and two dirhams were mine while the loaves were three. Half of these loaves will be eaten by Jesus, and I will receive half of the loaves, so it is better that I eat a loaf of bread in advance. So he ate one loaf on the way and rest of two loaves gave to Jesus.
Jesus ate a loaf of bread and the rest gave him. When the eating was over, Jesus asked him how many loaves of bread were bought. The disciple answered that he had bought two loaves of bread in the exchange of 3 dirham.
They marched forward and reached near a river.
The disciple asked in astonishment, "O Prophet of God, how will we cross the river when there is no boat here?"
Jesus said: "Do not panic, I will go ahead. You will simply grab my shirt and follow me. If God wills, we will cross the river."
So Jesus stepped into the river and the disciple followed. By God's grace, the both crossed the river so that their feet could not get wet. The disciple looked up and said,
"Let my thousand lives be sacrificed on you! Prophet like you has never been sent before”.
Jesus asked that the miracle increased his faith?
He replied in yes and said;
“My heart was full of light”.
Jesus asked, “If your heart is lightened, then tell me how much bread was”?
He said that total 2 breads were bought in the exchange of three dirham.
He passed by a herd of deer and pointed to a deer. The deer came to him. He slaughtered the deer, ate his meat and fed his disciple. Then you stumbled upon the deer's skin and said, "Come alive by Allah's command."
The deer came back alive and met the other deer.
The disciple was astonished once again to observe this miracle and said, "Thank God, who has given me a prophet and a teacher like you. How much lucky I am”.
 Jesus asked, “Did your faith increase after seeing this miracle?”
The disciple said, "O Prophet of Allah my faith has doubled ". Jesus asked, If your heart is doubled, then tell me how much bread was”?
He said that total 2 breads were bought in the exchange of three dirham.
On the way, they found three bricks of gold lying at the foot of a hill. Jesus said, “Here are three bricks of gold. One brick is mine and one brick is yours and the third brick belongs to the person who ate the third loaf." When the disciples heard this, he at once admitted that he had eaten the third bread and total number of bread was 3 not two.
Jesus left the greedy disciple and said, "Take away the three bricks." After saying this, Jesus left, and the greedy disciple sat near the bricks and wondered how to take them home. At the same time three robbers passed by. They saw that one person had three bricks of gold. They killed him mercilessly and rode away.
When Jesus returned, he saw that his disciple was laid dead on the earth. He said: "This is how the world treats its loved ones".


No matter how much wealth we get, we should never be tempted and always speak the truth. Truth wins, and there is always something profitable in this world.

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