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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Lover of Open Hair A True Story of a Giant
Lover of Open Hair

A True Story of  a Giant

"In the college days, on a winter afternoon, I used to bathe and went to roof. Sitting on the roof without a scarf, I used to dry my hair with sunlight. I had long, beautiful and thick hair that made me even more charming and cute. I loved my long thick hair”.

My life was destroyed by the Giants. It's been 11 years since I got married, and the problem with me is pre-maternity. In the college days, on a winter afternoon, I used to bathe and went to roof. Sitting on the roof without a scarf, I used to dry my hair with sunlight. I had long, beautiful and thick hair that made me even more charming and cute. I loved my long thick hair.
I was very protective of my hair. During the summer nights, the entire family members slept on the roof. On a summer night, like the rest of the family, I went to sleep on the bed, someone called my name in my ear with great affection. I woke up with fear. One day I was on the terrace with all the family members. I opened my hair to do a normal comb, then my hair was cropped. The days after that was nothing short of a trial for me and my family. One day when I was taking out something from the refrigerator, as I turned around, I was struck with something inanimate. Then it became a routine that I screamed to see astringe shadows. All my house was filled with strange things. I frightened and could not go alone even in the bathroom.  even could not go to would not go alone to the washroom. One of my sisters would be with me. My mother took me to some people for treatment, but it did not give a significant result. My family told the entire situation to one of my relatives who promised to took me to a Derwesh. The next I went to the Derwesh along with my mother and this relative. The Derwesh was a pious man. He treated me with God Verses and I started to get normal. Gradually my fears subsided. Then the marriage problems started. This problem was also solved with great difficulty.  My first pregnancy ended during its 5th months. Then Allah blessed me two daughters after each other. The first daughter died the same night of its birth and second daughter died one the next day of her birth.
After being cured from place to place, Allah bestowed a son at the end of the sixth month of pregnancy.  It was a premature birth. The infant was hospitalized for eleven days. When the child was three years old, I took him to a doctor, who checked and told that baby was abnormal. After that, I got pregnancy for three times. He time some evil comes in the dream and ruined my pregnancy.
Our house was made of mud. I sold my jewelry and borrowed some debt to build the house. The walls of house damaged that anyone could see across the walls.
We vacated the house two days later and rebuilt it once again.
This is my real story full of sorrow. I could not stop my tears as I was writing this. I will request my sisters that the worship and prayers should be arranged. Never go outside with a bare head with open hair. Do not go under the open sky or in the market. Always try to be honest 'Take special care of piousness and cleanliness.
May Allah ease the difficulties of all and save me from this torment?

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