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Iran VS USA - Russian Jamming Technology.

Iran VS USA - Russian Jamming Technology.

Key Points of this article are.
  • How much dangerous of jamming American Fighters?
  • How & Why Russia is using this technology?
  • In which parts of the world, Russia is exercising this expertise?
  • After Iranian retaliation, why USA did not use its Jet Fighters against Iran?
  • Are American interests, especially in the middle east are at great risk?
  • Is America losing its CAP as a Super Power?

Russian forces have been jamming GPS systems in the Middle East. The electronic-warfare campaign could affect U.S. forces gathering in the region in advance of potential strikes on Iran.
It is very serious for the entire people of Europe as well as the nations of Middle East. The lives of billions of people are at serious risk. The USA investment of trillion dollars to get air supremacy is seeming to be as a great failure. The Russian success to disrupt air operations & American failure to counter it, should be a serious concern.
It has become more crucial in the current situation.  It is provoking why Russia is disrupting air operation in the middle east, in the current situation, when Iran and the US are in front of each other.
“Since last spring, pilots flying through the Middle East, specifically around Syria, have noted that their GPS systems have displayed the wrong location or stopped working entirely,” The Times of Israel reported in late June 2019.
According to data collected by a U.S.-based researcher, the signal that has been disrupting Israeli airspace, originates inside a Russian air base inside Syria in THE recent weeks.
It may cause serious collateral damage. Furthermore, in the presence of this technology, drone attacks are not possible. Todd Humphreys to the Times of Israel. Humphreys is a professor at the University of Texas.
Breaking Defense reported. “Moscow is trying to interfere with both Western airplanes, F-22, F-35 and drones.”
The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations and Israeli Airports Authority in late June 2019 announced that many flights lost the GPS satellite signal while flying.
The U.S. Air Force starting in April 2019 has deployed F-22 and F-35 fighters to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, respectively. Now they have become ineffective to counter Iran, unless USA does not find the treatment against Russian Jamming Technique.

Russia also has disrupted GPS in Europe.
Defense News reported that scrambled GPS signals were first detected during NATO’s large-scale Trident Juncture exercises in Norway at the end of October, 2018. “Norway’s defense intelligence agency said it tracked the source of the signal-jamming to a Russian military base on the nearby, Kola Peninsula.”
In late 2018 Finland and Norway both lodged complaints with Russia over the disruptions. “Defense and civil aviation chiefs in Finland and Norway warned that the GPS jamming posed a serious risk to both military and commercial aircraft.
“Russia asked to give proof. We gave them the proof,”
Norwegian defense minister Frank Bakke told Arctic Today. The proof consisted of measurements showing signals had been jammed.
“Russia responded, ‘Thank you, we will come back when our experts review that,’”
Bakke-Jensen implied the jamming was intentional. “They were exercising very close to the border and they knew this will affect areas on the other side,”
It seems that Russian electronic warfare program is more effective than the USA has.
Iran fired more than one dozen of missile at American Military bases, but it could not stop even one of these? To which direction, it is pointing?
Soon after the assassination of General Sulemani, Trump was threating Iran for serious consequences. After the Iranian retaliation and American failure to counter it, why America exhibited entirely unexpected behavior?
  • The USA, who was claiming server action against Iran, why it is silent?
  • After Iranian retaliation, why USA did not use its Jet Fighters against Iran?
  • Are American interests, especially in the middle east are at great risk?
  • Is America losing its cap as a Super Power?

It is very easy to understand and get its answer..

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