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Motivational Tips to Become Successful - Psychology

Motivational Tips to Become Successful  Simple Principle of a Sure & Everlasting Success

Motivational Tips to Become Successful

Simple Principle of a Sure & Everlasting Success

Someone started a cloth shop in the market. He observe daily that countless people had been passing by the shop but the majority of them just passed by looking at his shop. One day he had an incident with him that taught him the golden rule of business.
 One day he went to a shoe market to buy a pair of shoe.
There were many shops of shoe sellers. He passed by several shops but could not decide which store to enter. At that, a shopkeeper saw him in front of his shop and said,
"Come on! Sir, come in and see".
He entered the store upon this invitation and bought the shoe pair. This incident made him realize that the majority of the customers who come to the market are either new or not tied to a particular shop. Such people are reluctant to cross a line of shops. They cannot decide which shop to enter. When someone sympathetically invites them to come in, as if it has eroded his reluctance. It helped them decide. Such a person will, in most cases, be able to call a running man inside his shop.
The man started using this principle in his shop. He would sit outside of the shop and read the faces of every visitor. He was much experienced as his eyesight was so sure that he would immediately recognize a man, whether he was a cloth customer or walking on the road with another purpose. Assuming he wanted to buy cloth, immediately called him inside his shop. Thus he became the best-selling shoppers in the market.
The reason behind this logic is that most people have no predetermined things in mind. If someone knows this secret, it can make many people its followers.  The secret of progress is always in simple principles, but human beings often understand progress as something that comes from something very big. You can reach the high goals merely using your limited resources, perseverance and determination. Nothing in the world is so big that an ordinary man cannot achieve.

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