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Best Health Tip - The Role of Fiber in Our Health

Best Health Tip

The Role of Fiber in Our Health

According to a British research, rice and wheat bran are the most important nutrients in a healthy diet, which helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal cancer, flowering of vessels, and blood clotting in the arteries of the heart.
Modern medicine experts suggest that the use of fiber in foods should be maximum so that different diseases can be avoided. Although experts around the world recommend the use of fiber-based nutrients. For many decades in the developed countries of the world have been given much importance consuming fiber, but today the situation has changed.
In these days, it is very common that diabetic’s patient are using unleavened flour bread as well as wheat biscuits that contain a significant amount of fiber as their diet. In a medical research Dr. Denis revealed that people who consume more of the fiber diet are substantially protected from colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, intestinal inflammation and diabetes. American doctor John Harvey Kellogg also loudly said in 1920 that "Americans can maintain their intestinal health through the use of fiber".
Medical investigations prove that grinding grain through machines, which began over a century ago not only removed the fibers from our diets, but also have been causing many complex health problems.

What is fiber?

From the history of medicine, it is shown that the importance and usefulness of fiber was recognized even centuries ago. The conjunctivitis and the herbal compounds were also made in keeping with the same principle. The medicines of the conjunctiva were thick enough so that they would pass from the gut to the intestines and accelerate their function with their fibrous composition. It is important to note that this difference is still observed in pharmaceuticals. The importance of fiber in the human diet has been gaining attention since ancient times.
Dietary fiber refers to the nutrients that are not affected by human digestive enzymes and digestive tract secretions. These plant fibers, which are actually the walls of plant cells, are not resolved through the gastrointestinal and intestinal tract. The specialty of nourishing fibers is that they pass through the teeth and gut without digestion, The nature does not change. After arriving in the colon or colon, half of these produce yeast by the intestinal bacteria.

Fiber Properties

Since there are many types of fiber, the properties of each of them are also different. Therefore, using one type of dietary fiber may not provide all the benefits, but all fibers are beneficial for health. It has been proven through centuries of experience that fiber has the effect of removing constipation. Fibers greatly improve the performance of the intestines. Fibers do not allow the colon to harden by absorbing water several times more than they do by keeping the colon moist like a wet cloth. They make the volume of the waste more and softer, causing it to drain easily.


Porridge, raw flour, brown rice, fruit and leafy vegetable fibers are best for relieving constipation.

Intestinal Diseases

Experience and observation have shown that many intestinal diseases actually have a bearing on them. When the intestines repeatedly try to dispose of waste, it causes more burden on them. As a result, they get billed and complain of hemorrhoids. The benefit of dietary fiber is that they do not cause cancer in the colon because the fiber does not hold in the intestine for long. In addition, it removes the toxic material and moisturizes the skin.

Heart Disease

Since dietary fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels, thus the risk of cardiovascular disease is also low. In this regard, the type of fiber is also of great importance. Over 90% of cellulose fibers have no effect on cholesterol levels, but water-soluble fibers such as fruit fibers, pectin, guargam (oats) and carrot fibers drop cholesterol significantly. That is why in Eastern Tib, carrots and herbs have been used for heart disease for centuries. According to the Western Physician, the reason for the fiber's efficacy is that it increases the amount of cholesterol-containing acids used.

Weight Lose

The diet is high in fiber but low in calories. Fibers also feel the filling of the stomach and reaches the level of satisfaction of appetite.
Because of the dietary fiber that takes longer to chew, the food is consumed less. That is why the brain gives a quick indication of stomach filling.


As a result of diabetes, the coagulant does not produce the amount of insulin the body needs, so patients have to use artificial methods to maintain a certain balance of sugar. By taking insulin, the amount of sugar in the body has to be balanced. However, clinicians now agree that a diabetic fiber diet is proved much effective to maintain balanced sugar level in the blood.

Fiber sources

The most prominent fiber sources are wheat, wheat bran, straw, preserved cereals, such as wheat, rice, barley, mustard, corn, lentils, tomatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, potatoes, turmeric, cabbage, apricots, salads. Including straw or bran which is actually a grain contains the highest amount of dietary fiber. It contains all kinds of fiber.
Wheat, oats, millet, corn and millet have been found to be very useful for constipation. Experience has shown that wild oats have a natural ability to lower cholesterol. In addition, it also contains a large amount of steel, calcium, vitamins, and protein, which makes it a real diet.
The pulses also contain significant amounts of fiber, most of which are soluble in water. Because of this, they also play a role in reducing body fat. Soybeans also help control blood sugar levels. Foods that do not contain fiber include meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese and sugar.

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