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What is the formula for quick success?

What is the formula for quick success?

Quick Success Formula

Each one of us want to get success in life. This is also indispensable to lead a happy and prosperous. But how it is possible. Should we work hard? Have we qualities such as truthfulness, perseverance, devotion, principles, etc. These are the essence of life but are not the causes of SUCCESS. Go through the pages of the history, you will find thousands of such people, who have all these qualities but they failed in their life.   Why? Today, I am going to share with you the Quick Success Formula. It changes your life and you will soon get the TAKE OFF in life. Only you should have to act upon following roles in their certain sequence.

6 Steps of Quick Success Formula

Steps to Change Your Life

1. Speed of Implementation

It has been researched that all the successful people success is hidden one secret which is speed of implementation. Whatever they think it is useful, at once they take step to implement it. Their implementation time is zero.
People think that information is power.  Information is only potential power. Is knowledge is power? It is also wrong. Knowledge is only potential power. From where power comes. Its comes from implementation. Implementation of information leads to transformation. Successful people implement at once they listen, watch, think or observe. It is common in all successful people.
Some people question that they want to implement but can’t do so. I am going to give you one word which will solve your problem. It will change your life.
Right Now
Right Now
If you are waiting to right time to come, believe it has come. It is now. It is now. Say to you, it is now. Now. Now.
  • Not Tomorrow – Start Now.
  • Not when the season is nice – Start Now.
  • Not when the reason is right – Start Now.
  • Not when your vocations are over – Start Now.
  • Not when your horoscope is perfect – Start Now.
It was wrong the best time of implementation is yesterday.  It is the biggest mistake you have ever made. If not right now, it will not come. “ABHI NAHI, TO KHABI NAHI”.
You will only to apply this strategy.
  • Hear
  • Observe
  • Meditate
  • Digest
  • Apply
So always keep it into you mind; “Implementation of the Information is real transformation. Information will not give you transformation”.

2. Hold on Your Conscious Goal

First of all firmly settle a goal and then remain firm on it. Never change your goal if you fail, change your strategy to achieve it. Our problem is that we continuously change our goal on minor failure. This is the biggest bottleneck in your life. First settle your goal, whatever it is, then grip it, remain on it. So Hold on Your Conscious Goal
  • If you fail – change your methodology.
  • If you fail – change your way of implementation.
  • If you fail – Think about your failure not to change your goal.
  • Set an Unusual Reminder Mechanism
It is humane habit that they often forget their goal which drive them off to their track. You will have to set an Unusual Reminder Mechanism which will help you to Hold on Your Conscious Goal. Search unusual and odd practices and link these to your goal. It will help you to be remain on your goal.

For Examples.

  • Wear your wrist watch on different hands.
  • Change your routine courses.
  • Link your goal to unusually & amazing signs
  • Paint 80 % of your mirror
  • Write your goal in Big Font and keep it at your table, desktop, theme


It’s a Physiology Term which refers to Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Everything loses its utility with continuous frequency of uses. The above mentioned practices will reduce the effect of HEDONIC ADAPTATION.

4. I will do, WHAT WHEN

You will have to divide your goal into many achievable mile stones.  What you will do and how much time it will take to complete it.
Identify at least 5 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS are those factors which will give you quick success. Prioritize identified CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS according to their significance to your goal achievements and incorporate these factors into your WHAT WHEN strategy. Constant Review the Mechanism with the Scoreboard.

Efforts Results
Score Results
It refers to your efforts
It refers to your output
How much you run on the jogging track?
How much weight you lose?
You need 45 runs in 2 overs to win the match.
You make 46 runs in 11 balls.
No Effort
Your vehicle is breaking down continuously?
Its needs regular checkup of your vehicle.
The vehicle will not problematic.

If you concentrate on your Efforts Score, Your Result Scores will automatically solved.

5. Structure Your Accountability Framework

Must find out a mentor, teacher, coach, counselor or anyone like this to whom you can share your progress and get consultation, advice, motivation, etc. It may be your sincere friend, any religious personality, your wife. It depends upon you to find out the right person. It will inspire, motivate and keep you on the goal. You will have to generate a REPORT CARD.
Success Causes
Failure Causes
Commitments X
A, B, C,
Commitments Y
A, B, C,
Commitments Z
A, B, C,
In the first step, you will have to settle your commitments. Divide in into weekly basis. Review each commitment at the end of the week. What are the causes of your success or failure? Write down all these causes and apply the positive results into your Planned Thinking Pattern. Make your new strategy to avoid future failure.
To know about Planned Thinking Pattern and Non-Planned Thinking Pattern, read my Article – How to Control the Mind?

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