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How to Control Your Mind?

How to Control Your Mind?

Control Your Mind – Control Your Life

If you want to DOUBLE rate of your growth, just TRIPPLE the rate of your learning. More than 90% of people spending more than 90% of their wealth below their brains. Less than 10% of people are investing less than 10% of their wealth actually for their brain. If you want to get an iconic success in life, wish to get legendry growth, a peaceful life, you have to control your mind. The people who get success in the history, there is only one thing common – all the people have minds with them or their mind was under their control. You don’t have to control your mind, you only need to engage your mind. An empty mind is Devil’s workshop.
How to engage your mind. To ensure it, you must have a goal in life. Always settle a big goal. Don’t worry about resources. The more you have settle bigger goal, the more resources you will be injected. Heavenly Forces do not challenge your objective or resistance against your objective and bless you the strength whichever needed to complete your objective. Our body also has such flexibility and does not resist against heavy goals.
To settle a goal, must have a goal statement.  Once you have a goal statement and a goal in life, engage your brain to achieve. A busy man has no time to weep over his failures. Only lazy people moans over their failure.

Types of Thinking

There are two types of thinking. 1st is Planned Pattern of Things, which leads life what you want. It helps you to reach at where you should to be.  2nd is Unplanned Pattern of Thinking. It leads you, where you should not to be. Planned Pattern of Things is associated your goal which you have wisely settled whereas Unplanned Pattern of Things is the result of your mind creation due to certain events, happening and  accidents in your life.
Mind always thinks something all the time. It cannot live alone without thoughts and always indulges in perceptions, events, accidents, results, etc. The things, events or accidents, whichever happen in life, has an impact, mind takes its essence and stores it in subconscious. The result is that we unconsciously learn lots of habits, beliefs, ideology. It’s all fruits of mind’s thinking. If you left it alone and don’t instruct him under certain universal norms and moral ideology, it will create certain belief, myths, behavior. Either wrong or right, it is not a subject of mind. As mind always needs engagement. It does not wait and at once fills the vacuum. This situation comes under Unplanned Pattern of Thinking.
Here you are leading life controlled by your mind pattern. Your patterns are taking control over you, and you lead life as the pattern has settled. In future your mine had programmed. You lead your life under this program. This situation remained until you don’t program a new program for you. You will lead your life in this pattern until you do not try to get rid of it.
Planned Pattern of Thinking is reciprocal and antithesis of Unplanned Pattern of Thinking. In Planned Pattern of Thinking, we instruct mind wisely and in a gentle manner. We treat things wisely & absorb only such lesson which are logical and moral.
Under the influence of Unplanned Pattern of Thinking, someone always tries to get LEISURE, whereas in the Planned Pattern of Thinking, it efforts to get new learning. In the Unplanned Pattern of Thinking, he/she wishes to have happiness in the life. Whereas in the Planned Pattern of thinking, he/she wishes to make other happy – which leads him/herself to perpetual peace and calm of mind.
In order to shift on Planned Pattern of Thinking, you will have to replace, reinforce and reinstate previous belief and myths. Analyze and brainstorm, remove the rubbish and fill your mind with unbiased thoughts.

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