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10 Riddles to Test Your Survival Skills

10 Riddles to Test Your Survival Skills, Riddles for Adults, Riddles Funny, Riddles with Answers, Riddle Hards, general knowledge, general knowledge questions, general knowledge quiz,

Riddle 1
What is it that we cannot live without, if it surrounds us, we may die?
Answer 1
Riddle 2
A parrot is eating green chillies in a room, a monkey is biting a banana and a chicken kernel. Who is the smartest person in the room?
Answer 3
You. Because you are also in the same room.
Riddle 3
Which table can you eat?
Answer 3
Vegetable table
Riddle 4
What's so weird not having speaking power, yet always telling the truth?
Answer 4
Riddle 5
A prisoner is told that if you lie you will be shot and if you tell the truth you will be hanged. How can the prisoner save his life?
Answer 5
The prisionar may save his life only by doing so. "You will hang me."
Riddle 6
What is it that buries the living and removes the dead from the earth?
Answer 6
A plant
Riddle 7
Which tree does not have wood?
Answer 7
Banana tree
Riddle 8
Which is lighter than air but hundreds people cannot lift?
Answer 8
Water bubble
Riddle 9
How long can a person survive if he does not take sleep?
Answer 9
Ten days
Riddle 10
What is the thing that will not be broken by hitting it on the ground, but it will be broken by hitting it on the water?
Answer 10

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