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Startling Facts about American Culture and Its People

Interesting Facts about the American Nation that People Not Know

Which American Habits are NORMAL in the US but Weird in the Rest World?

Many people from other countries don't understand the US tipping culture. Some common practices in America are actually quite strange to people from other countries. Sometimes people in the US forget that the way they do things isn't necessarily the way it's done everywhere else.  That doesn't mean these American customs are bad — it just means that what the Americans believe is common is actually not. Here are some regular things they do in the US that people from other cultures might think is a bit strange. 

Startling Facts about American Culture and Its People

The American Work Constantly Even During Little Vacation.

According to research by the Center for American Progress, the United States is officially the most overworked country in the "developed" world. Some people in other countries can't believe how much work they do, how long their hours are, how they eat lunch at their desks, and how they don't take advantage of vacation time. Some other countries offer six weeks of paid vacation time as a standard. That's certainly not the case here.

The Americans Prefer Dollars of the Sae Color.

In the US, dollar bills are all the same shade of green, and they all look very similar, aside from slightly different images.
If you travel to other countries, you'll find that their bills are typically all different colors and sizes according to what they're worth. Many foreigners find our currency to be a bit confusing, since it all looks the same.

The Craze of Using a Lot of Ice.

One small thing that stands out when you visit Europe is that they don't use a lot of ice — at most restaurants, you won't get it unless you ask for it. Americans are some of the only people who use an excess of ice in their drinks. 

The American Write the Date Beginning with the Month.

The way the US writes dates is unique.

People in the US typically write the date out in the format of month-day-year. People in other parts of the world, like the United Kingdom and Europe, write it out in the format of day-month-year. People from other countries can't understand why they write the month first, as to them it seems out of order.

Advertising Prescription Drugs.

In a Reddit thread asking the weirdest things Americans do, many users discuss how strange they think it is that the US advertises prescription drugs. Many said they found it to be one of the weirdest things about being in the US.

Reddit user NoDownvotesPlease said, "That was the weirdest one for me. 'Ask your doctor for brand x antidepressants' type commercials on TV. In the UK, your doctor tells you what drugs you should take, not the other way round."

Hanging American Flags Everywhere.

In that same Reddit thread, users expressed how strange it was that that American flags are everywhere, from businesses to historical sites to homes. The Americans Eat Bread, which almost always Tastes Sweet. People in the US might not even realize how sweet it is.  In the Reddit thread, many users discuss how they found it incredibly strange to constantly encounter sweet bread in the US.

Using the Imperial Measurement System.

The United States is one of only three countries that still use the imperial system of measurement instead of the metric system, and everyone there thinks they're strange for doing so. 

Lots of Commercials on TV.

US television has a decent amount of commercials. When it comes to advertisements, the rest of the world can't believe how many they have. For a 30-minute show, there will be about four commercial breaks. 

The Americans Expect Free Refills Everywhere.

Many foreigners think it’s strange that free refills are offered and generally expected. It's not the norm in many other places — France banned unlimited refills in 2017.

Using Plenty of Water in the Toilet.

It might seem excessive to others.

Toilets are certainly different in the US than other parts of the world, and one amusing difference to note is how much more water there is in American toilets than other countries.

Putting a Lot of Gaps in between Bathroom Stalls.

Some people from other countries can't believe how large the spaces are between bathroom stalls. It was brought up in many comments in the Reddit thread, with users saying they found the "massive" gaps to be an invasion of privacy and just plain strange.

Consuming Lots of Coffees.

In many other countries, like Europe, coffee is consumed in smaller quantities. That means they drink it quickly and they don’t take it to go. But in the US, large to-go coffee cups are common. People from other countries find it very strange.

Taking Leftover Food Home.

It's not uncommon to take your leftover meal back home for tomorrow's lunch. 
In the US, they don't think twice about asking a server to box up their uneaten food so they can bring it home to finish another time. In other countries, this is incredibly strange and even considered to be rude. In France, for example, it's so frowned upon that a law had to be passed to allow "doggy bags" to happen in order to get rid of food waste.

Eating Giant Portions.

Speaking of leftover food, people from other countries also can't believe how big American portions are. That's true when it comes to the size of dishes in restaurants, sodas and other drinks in fast-food chains, and even items that aren't food.

Paying Sales Tax on Everything.

The people in America might not like sales tax but they expect it.
In other countries, the sales tax is often built into the price, so the price doesn’t change when you bring something to the register, and they find it strange that the US doesn't do the same. It's such a big difference that there are even advisories to people traveling to the US warning them of sales tax when shopping.

Tipping Waiters is Pleasant.

Not tipping in the United States is extremely frowned upon. In other parts of the world, a tip is not expected — it can even be considered rude. Tipping is another thing travelers are often warned about when coming to the States.  

Chatting with Strangers.

Americans chat with strangers so often. While some found it odd in a weird way, others found it nice.

Using Red Cups.

People around the world can't believe how often Americans use red cups. In some countries, people throw "American parties," where they all make sure to use red cups.

Wearing Swimsuits.

In some other countries, like Europe, it's considered totally normal to be topless on the beach.  In fact, individuals who travel to the US often have to be warned to wear swimsuits in public, and keep them on.

Students Need Loan to Complete College Education.

It's no secret that going to college in the US can be extremely expensive and students can end up in debt to get a degree. A lot of other countries offer free college educations, and they can't believe how much they spend on ours.

Watch this Video - Startling Facts about American Culture and Its People

Abu Barza

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