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Interesting Facts about the Trees - Will Shock and Amaze

Interesting and Fun Facts (That Will Shock and Amaze You)

A Shining Tree

A tree is found in Java, Indonesia, about seven feet in height. It shines at night so that its brightness can be seen from miles away. People can read and written in its light very easily.

The Tree Having Longest Leaves

In Western India, there is a palm tree with leaves that are taller than the leaves of every tree in the world, with a leaf length of 65 feet.

The Tallest Tree

Currently the tallest tree in the world is in the California forests and its name is Harold Deci, its height is 37606 feet.
The Longest Tree
When Alexander the Great invaded India, there was a Bergdeca Tree growing in India that was so spread that 7,000 soldiers of Alexander's army had camped under it.
A tree is found in the western part of the India, whose branches are cut off and eaten like a bread. The fun is that it has the same taste as a bread and has the same nourishment.
There is still a tree in the Turkish city of Samarna that is divided by three sides such that three gates have been formed, a road passes between them. Every year, thousands of visitors come here to see this amazing tree.

The Water Tree.

In Australia there is a tree whose stem resembles the shape of a bottle. All the time, its trunk remains fill with water. People make a hole into the trunk and drink its water passionately. This tree is called a water tree.

A Milk Tree

In Australia, Brazil and the United States of America, there is a tree whose juice tastes exactly like milk, people in the area where this tree is found use its juice like milk. People call it “Milk Tree”.

A Rotating Tree

In the village of Balti, Central Africa, a tree can be found that rotates. In severe thunderstorms and rain when the roots of other trees are shaken, the roots of this tree revolve around it, and thus they are able to withstand the force of the wind. The locals consider the tree sacred.

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