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Five Israeli Weapons of War Iran Should Fear

Strength of Israeli Defense System

Key Points of this article are;
  • What is the strength of Israel Army?
  • What are 5 Israel War Weapons, Iran Should fear?
  • Which war weapons are the backbone of Israel Military Force?
  • What is the basic pillars of Israel Defense System against its armies?
  • Israel Missile System, Missile Kinds and their Ranges, War Air Jets, Navy Strength, Nuclear Assets, etc.? 

 5 Israeli Weapons of War

1 - F – 35.

The Lockheed Martin F-35 is a single-seat fire fighter.  It has a powerful single engine, which is suitable for air operation ion all the weathers. It has been designed for ground attack as well as air superiority missions. F 35 was made by Lockheed Martin along with lots of subcontractors, including Northrop Grumman, Pratt & Whitney, and BAE Systems.
USA assigned 1.508 trillion US Dollars as its program cost. The price of 1 unit cost is 82.4 million in USA Dollars. Israel purchased 19 F-35. These are really costly  strike flying machine.
These fighter planes can keep away from radar detection. F-35 is a marvelous bomb carrier and can convey two 2,000-pound bombs in its inward bomb straight. Besides, F 35 has the following characteristics.
Five Israeli Weapons of War Iran Should Fear
  • Durable & low-maintenance
  • High-speed data processing
  • The Autonomic Logistics Global Sustainment
  • Electro-hydrostatic actuators run by a power-by-wire flight-control system

It has lightweight and powerful lithium batteries and can be control from the groun surfaces in an emergency.
F 35 can enter Iranian air safeguards undetected and hit atomic sites with accuracy by guided weapons. There are reports that Israeli F-35 will be designed to convey atomic weapons. 

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is double engine fighter jet, which works in all the weathers.
F – 35 was designed by McDonnell Douglas. It made its first flight in 27 July 1972, and was included in air operational services in 1976. It is among the most successful modern fighters, with over 100 victories and no losses in aerial combat, with the majority of the kills by the Israeli Air Force.
The F – 35 was bought by Israel, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. Unit cost of each was between 
29.9 million USA dollars in 1998.
It is a known as profoundly skilled air ship. Intensely furnished with Python 5 aerial and Popeye air-to-ground rockets. 
Israel has been using this fighter jet for long-run strike activities, remembering attacks for Sudan against arms manufacturing plants and truck caravans conveying weapons for Hezbollah and Hamas. 

3 - Jericho III Missile.

While Iranian rockets have gotten all the attention, it merits recalling that Israel additionally has ballistic rockets of its own, in which Jericho III Missile also includes.
Experts believed that the Jericho III is a nuclear weapon, which first came to operational during 2011. It is also believed that Jericho III has an estimated launch weight of 30,000 kg. Its length is  5.5 meters and width is 1.56 meter. 
A website ( estimated that it has a range of 4,800 to 6,500 kilometers, whereas according to a missile survey in 2004 by the Congressional Research Service, indicated that its possible maximum range is around 11,500 km.
According to an official report, which was presented to the American Congress during 2004, it was declared that Jericho III had given Israel nuclear strike capabilities within the entire Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia and almost all parts of North America, as well as large parts of South America and North Oceania. 
Missile Threat reports that the range of this missile gives an extremely highest speed to the targets that any Anti-Ballistic Missile is unable to stop it.
After a successful missile test during 2008, General Itzhak Ben-Israel, former chairman of the Israeli Space Agency at the Ministry of Science, said "Everybody can do the mathematics... we can reach with a rocket engine to every point in the world".
Israeli Ministry of Defense officials declared 2008 test launch a "dramatic leap in Israel's missile technologies".

4 – Dolphin Class Submarine. 

The Dolphin Class is a diesel and electric submarine designed and manufactured by 
Germany. German manufactured this submarine for the Israeli Navy. Dolphin Class  has 1,640 tons surfaced, 1,900 tons submerged. The surfaced weight of Dolphin 2 class is 2,050 tons and underwater weight is 2,400 tons. Its total length is 57.3 meters and can run with the speed of 37 kilometers per hour. It can travels at least 350 meters below the sea water.
Israel has around six such submarines.
Along with their impressive capacities as hostile to surface and against submarine vessels, these Israeli subs are broadly viewed as furnished with nuclear-armed cruise missiles. They may not be as refined as U.S. or then again British atomic subs with Trident rockets.
Much like U.S. rocket subs, the Dolphins allow Israel a second-hit capacity to fight back with atomic weapons, regardless of whether an unexpected attack on the modest country were to decimate Israel's other nuclear arms. 

5 – Arrow Israel Misses.

The Arrow or Hetz is an anti-ballistic missiles. This missile has been designed to meet Israeli requirement for its defense. This missile system is more effective against ballistic missiles than the Patriot surface-to-air missile.
Both Israel and the United States, manufacture it by joint efforts.
It is believed that the Arrow Missile is one of the most advanced missile defense programs currently available in the world. It can intercept and destroy ballistic missiles easily. The first Arrow batch was fully operational in October 2000.
Arrow 3 can be used as an anti-satellite weapon. It has made Israel one of the world's few countries, which are capable of shooting down satellites.

Video - Five Israeli Weapons of War Iran Should Fear

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