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Health Benefits of Onion in Cancer

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Health Benefits of Onion in Cancer

Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds

Eating vegetables of the Allium variety like garlic and onions has been connected to a lower danger of specific diseases, including stomach and colorectal. A survey of 26 researches demonstrated that individuals who devoured the most noteworthy measure of allium vegetables were 22% more averse to be determined to have stomach malignancy than the individuals who expended the least amount.
In addition, an audit of 16 investigations in 13,333 individuals exhibited that members with the most astounding onion admission had a 15% diminished danger of colorectal malignant growth contrasted with those with the least consumption. These malignant growth battling properties have been connected to the sulfur mixes and flavonoid cancer prevention agents found in allium vegetables. For instance, onions give onionin A, a sulfur-containing exacerbate that has been appeared to diminish tumor improvement and moderate the spread of ovarian and lung cancer in test-tube studies. Onions additionally contain fisetin and quercetin, flavonoid cancer prevention agents that may restrain tumor development.


A diet which contain allium vegetables like onions may have a defensive impact against specific cancers.

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