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True Motivational Stories

motivational stories true stories short stories short moral stories True Motivational Stories

The True Story of a Primary Teacher

Former Deputy Commissioner of Jhang District, Shakhtarullah Shahab relates the story of a primary teacher “Baba Rehmat” in his famous "Shahab Nama" in these words.
Rahmat Elahi, a teacher at a primary school in Rojhang came to my office. He was about to retire after a few months. He had three young daughters and had not even a home to live.  He was much worried that his pension would be very little. He was wondering where he would stay after retirement. How will her girls get married?
He told me in secret that he had been crying in the courtyard of Allaah for many months in a state of anxiety. A few days ago, he had a pilgrimage to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) in his dream, in which the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that you should go and tell the deputy commissioner your hard work. Allah will help you.
For a moment I thought that Baba Rehmat is religiously black mailing me. Seeing the signs of suspicion and hesitation on my face, Rehmat said to me,
"I am not lying, sir." How can I lie in the name of Prophet (peace be upon him)”.
However, I did not believe completely.
But he was using the name of such greatest entity to whose respect is compulsory for all of us.
So I asked Rehmat-e-Allah to come back after three weeks. In the meantime I secretly searched for his personal circumstances and it was confirmed that he was a very pious and committed man of peace in his area and his domestic situation was exactly what he had described.
At that time, the provincial government authorized the deputy commissioners that he could provide up to 800 acres of land as long lease for cultivation purpose. I called my revenue officer, Ghulam Abbas, and instructed him to find 800 acres at a suitable place, which would not be too difficult to cultivate sooner. The revenue officer probably thought that I might want to give some of my loved ones. He found the land near the paved road and handed over all the papers to me.
When Baba Rehmat came to meet me, I handed over the allotment papers.
About 9 years later, working with Field Marshal General Ayub in Karachi, I received a registered letter in the Presidency. At that time, Pakistan's Capital was Karachi, rather than Islamabad. This was from Master Rahmat Elahi. He wrote in the letter that after cultivation the land, he was able to meet the expenditure of the marriages. Now all the three daughters are happily living in their houses. He has also performed the obligation of Hajj with his wife. Apart from buying some private land for cultivation and living, he has also built a mud house.
Rahmat further wrote that know he did not need 800 acres of land. It is more excess than his needs so he is returning the land to the government.
So he is sending back the full papers of this allotment along with this letter.
Qudrat further wrote in his book,
“After reading this letter, I was shooked for a while, "I was in such a state that President Pakistan came to my room to talk".
“What thought you have been lost?” The president asked.
I told him the entire event with detail. He was also very surprised. There was silence for a while and then he suddenly spoke,
“You have done a very good job. I telephoned the governor of Lahore to name this land to you”.
I humbly forbade that I do not deserve this award. On hearing this, President Pakistan said that you have no interest in obtaining agricultural land.
“No, sir," I replied.
“In the end, only two yards for my grave.”
The five roles of this incident are not present among us today, but the role of Rahmat Divine, a primary teacher of Jhang, is a torchbearer for all of us.

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