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Marriage Guide - 7 Reasons of Divorce

Marriage Guide

7 Reasons of Divorce

“For the sake of a good marital life, it is important to discuss everything and get your spouse's trust. Cold behaviors only cause the relationship to deteriorate - women are usually emotional and sensitive. So they don't easily ignore anything”.

Divorce rates have been increasing day by day in the world. There are several reasons for the increase in this rates. If certain precautions are not adopted, it is possible that in the coming days, it will not be uncontrolled and reaches at a dangerous level, which may be disastrous for the society.

Useless Debate & Wrong Arguments

Over the time, the evidences of anger and debate are very common in majority of people. The slightest conflict between some spouses turns into a harsh words of exchange. Anger controls people sentiments and thus a small tip between the spouses leads to a divorce. In order not to get a divorce, it is imperative that one of the spouses be quiet so as to control the fight.

Unrealistic Expectations

Generally spouses develop massive desires or unrealistic expectations. Sometimes high expectations or desire are shared, and when they are not fulfilled, a tense relationship develops between couples. This tension can lead to an ever-increasing divorce. Control unnecessary desires and be contended so that you can lead a peaceful life.


Domestic violence is also one of the major causes of divorce. Often small talk shifts to violence - the root cause of violence is lack of tolerance - and that is when violence escalates or becomes unbearable, the wife divorces In this case, male should try to overcome their anger and be cool - women should also avoid discussions and arguments that involve violence or conflict.

Late Marriage

One of the most important issues is getting married late. In the third world, about 45% of marriages occur after puberty. There are many reasons for late marriage, such as poverty, dowry, higher education, finding an ideal, marriage of choice, etc. In middle age, marriage brings a number of problems, including sexual dysfunction, depression and irritability.

Lack of Communication

For the sake of a good marital life, it is important to discuss everything and openly get your spouse's trust. Cold behaviors only cause the relationship to deteriorate - women are usually emotional and sensitive. So they don't easily ignore anything.

Social Media

Increased use of social networking websites may be beneficial for some users, but is has been found piousness for a couple. Social networking websites are proving to be the cause of every third divorce. Usually, married men start talking to their "old friend" in innocence, but when that friendship turns into love, no one knows anything. Besides, it turns out to be the easiest platform with the opposite sex, then when these things come up to the husband or wife, the relationship breaks down, doubts grow, and unfortunately, the issue gets divorced.


In today's youth, this practice has become very prevalent. This can be illustrated by an incident in Taiwan, where the marriage ended in just one hour. Somehow, after the wedding ceremony, the wife asked her husband to buy her a new car, on which the husband said he would think about it. The wife said if he couldn't give her a car, then just divorce. The husband at once divorced his wife and thus this important relationship ended.


Just as the clap does not ring with one hand, divorce is not the fault of any one, but both husband and wife are responsible for it, as it is a very critical and dangerous turning point. At any time in your future life, if you will have to encounter any one of the reason listed above, please just hold, be calm and try to understand the root causes. The person, who is faulty, admit its fault and start the life again. At any stage in your life, if you make the wrong decision, stop. If your partner has ten evils, just think for a moment about the one good thing your life partner has. With this goodness you can live with your life partner laughing and enjoying. Never make such a terrible decision as this decision does not affect two human beings, not two families, but generations.

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