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Healthy Tips for a Healthy Life

Healthy Tips for a Healthy Life

Importance of Thoughts in Your Health

As time goes on, our age also increases. From childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to youth and then old age starts. This is time we should to minimize the process of physical dissolution and infiltration so that our body system be protected for ensuring a long lasting health life.
We count the age period in terms of "be a birthday" and say that it is our 40th birthday and it is our 60th birthday, though if we look at the disappearance, then things are going to make us old. It is not an increase of years but our bad habits and traits that make our body and mind old. There are many of us who surrender to old age and do not try to survive and be safe. Just as one would fall into a river and run with the flow of water and not even realize that God had given him the power to swim. If he tried, he could swim with it, instead of flowing with a stream of water. It would be foolish to think so
This does not mean that we can keep our youth indefinitely through our efforts. It would be foolish to think that. All we can do is just postpone aging for a few years and protect ourselves from many traumatic illnesses, and this is nothing short of an understatement.
You may have noticed that many people do not yet reach the age of pension, suffering from ulcerative colitis, gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestinal injury) and other similar disorders. They behave with life in a negative way, so often they become ill. Some people suffer from envy, anger and destructiveness. They hate themselves. There are numerous examples of this in our daily life, in which a few have been discussed.

Curse of Wealth

The wish of having piles of wealth leaves nothing. Some of the men indulge in greed and greed, so that when they are called the richest men and may enjoy the luxuries of life. The desire of accumulation wealth shortens their life period to the extent that they do not even have the time to use their accumulated wealth.


Fear is another factor which minimizes our life period. It creates disorder in our hear beat and nerves system. Today, as a result of modern research and experiments, it is a proven fact that the body and mind are inseparable. Our mind is the center of our emotions and the effects of these emotions continue to be equal to our physical system.


Just let the rage tour fall on yourself and give the arrogance a chance to dominate you, and then see how stress harms your nerve system. Let the anger allow to fall on you, then see how it causes blood circulation and affects your heart. Just allow greediness to take over you and analyses its harmful impacts on you. It will eat you like an odor, there will occur certain complexities into your liver that will cause to turn your face yellow.

Hatred and Jealousy

Hatred and jealousy are another negative emotions that are very deer to us. We happily flourish these sentiments into our nature. These are piousness for your health. Hate and jealousy increases our blood pressure and disturb your digestion system. The person to whom
We show Hatred and jealousy, he/she remains busy in the life activities and enjoys the time. On the other hand, we spoil our health by ourselves. No one can imagine physical health without clearing its mind from evil feelings and emotions.

Painful Memories

In our brain there is a huge store of personal experiences and observations. We try to forget the unpleasant events and the bitter experiences, but they live in the underworld and they affect our physical system. The habit of some people is that they turn their past experience into bitterness. This attitude is very hurtful. The thing which is past, has been ended.

Your Misery is Not Greatest

Always look to the people who are suffering more than you. Look at the thousands of people who are disabled, paralyzed, blind, and paranoid. In spite of it, they are thankful to God and are contended with their life. Contentment is a golden principle to lead a happy life. This thinking always keep us perfectly safe from many problems.


Good feelings are, in fact, the fuel for our body's engine. A physician cannot guess these invisible defects, then at least we understand this important reality. Do not just look at this psychological aspect, worry about removing your hidden defects.
An iceberg seems very small, it can tear a ship into pieces. Our negative feeling are just iceberg, which may destroy our immune system completely. Imagine your mental and emotional qualities, which are hidden inside the mind and cannot be seen. Come on! Forget unpleasant events and bitter experiences and lead the life as is guided by the Nature.
Help and support the people who are more vulnerable than you. If you turn to them for their care and assistance, you will forget your own grievances. Every moment that is just in support of others, you will see that it will be a moment of true peace and relief for you.
Our mind thinks one-way. When it thinks of others, it cannot think of itself.
Most people are just moving around their own interests and benefits. Where there rises a demand of giving something to someone else, such people withdrew. They are always reluctant to provide assistance and do not allow the assistance to be requested by anyone. The result is that their souls are always in distress and their influence on their soul always feels restlessness. Who is today that claims of being in calm. There are numerous problems which often surround a man.
Obviously we may not be able to get our minds off them at all, but if we behave wisely and look at the lives of thousands of other people we are far more anxious than we are, we can solve their problem an in return, our problems will be greatly reduced. So you should strive to free your minds from baseless fears, frustrations and bitterness, and engage it in constructive and moral development activities.

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