Health Benefits of Cucumber
Interesting Autobiography of Cucumber
People do not consider me a fruit. However, read my benefits! There are hardly a few people on the planet who do not know me. I have a different name in various languages. In English, I am called cucumber and in Urdu, people recognize me by the name of “Khera.” By composition, I am a fruit but people consider me a vegetable. People do not accept me as a fruit. In spite of the fact that I am very cheap, people do not buy me. They are ashamed to buy me. No problem I don't get angry at all because my mood is cold. If you insist on wisdom then I am a great gift from Almighty Allah. My God has blessed me with lots of characteristics so that I may benefit human beings.
If you wish to eat me, first wash me with water. Then with the knife cut off the top of me, rub it to remove the bitterness by creating foam, and cut a little more piece from the head side. Do the same thing at the bottom. Finally, remove my peel and slice it. Add salt and pepper. Here I am going to tell you a few of the health benefits and health tips, which are very healthful for health.
Urine Disorder
If there is irritation and pain and urine blockage in someone's bladder then eating my seeds will remove all the discomfort. By the grace of God, I keep lots of ingredients, which can restore your weakness, cool the body, and be very useful for intestinal and gastroenteritis.
Moderate the Body Temperature
My other health benefit is that my composition carries lots of compounds, which cool the body temperature. My use is very helpful in intestinal and gastroenteritis disorders. I can even eliminate the excess heat in your liver and stomach. In case you use me as a salad, I will digest the food quickly.
Treatment in Jaundice
Must try me in jaundice! Soothe the body and relax the heart. Use me more often in the summer, and yes, telling the truth will help you a lot. The people who are less weight, they should use me in their diet. If you have any doubts, must read it.
“Reported by Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqah – The wife of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in the famous book of Hadids (Bokhari Sharif) that before the marriage with Prophet (SAW), she was very feeble and weak. She used lots of medicines prescribed by well-known physicians of Arab but did not produce any results. Ultimately I ate cucumber and dates, which provided amazing results and she gained body weight.”
Treatment in Headache
Let’s know the benefits of my skin. If the headache is accompanied by a fever, I will be comfortable with peeling and applying to the forehead. If you have soreness in your eyes, take two round pieces and put these over your eyes. You will feel quite comfortable.
Finally, close your eyes, and think e sincerely, “Am I not amazing?”
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